MY WEEKLY BLOG What if the Present Moment Sucks? There is a consensus opinion that “being in the present moment” is an effective way to deal with anxiety and depression. I agree withthat. It’s about mindfulness. It’s about looking at life as it is, being...
WHAT’SFOR DINNER? A friend of mine was complaining that she couldn’t sleep. She kept her bedroom dark and quiet, she paid attention to her breath and deliberately slowed it down, she did exercises to relax her muscles, but none of it worked and she was tired all...
MY WEEKLY BLOG KISS THE WIND When I was six years old, my father tiptoed into my bedroom one morning before sunup and whispered in my ear, “Get up and dress warm. I have a surprise for you.” He left my room and headed down the staircase to the garage. I jumped out of...
MY WEEKLY BLOG How Old Are You? When I was 14, I moved to Washington D.C. to attend the first school in the United States that offered ballet and academic subjectsunder the same roof. My parents drove me there from Massachusetts, moved me in, bought me a goldfish for...
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