Are You Worth It?

Are You Worth It?

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.                                                                                      – –  Albert Einstein When I sat down at the computer this morning, I was stunnedto see that I was about to write my...
Hauntings In The Time of Covid

Hauntings In The Time of Covid

As the year is coming to a close, can’t help but go back to 2020, the beginning of the virus that left a permanent mark on all of our lives. We will never be the same in the way that 9/11 and for us older folks, the assassination of JFK, is etched into our psyches. We...
The Lonely Hearts Club

The Lonely Hearts Club

I was fourteen years old when I left my home in Massachusetts and moved to Washington, D. C. My family didn’t come with me. My mother had scoped out a school on Wisconsin Avenue that offered ballet and academic subjects under the same roof, the first of its kindin...